A woman who cannot be ugly is not beautiful.
~Karl Kraus

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Distorted Perceptions: Stats & Causes

The media places great pressure on women and children throughout our country to achieve a level of thinness that is not possible for the majority of women. This causes many to feel unsatisfied with their bodies and unfortunately for some this may lead to an eating disorder when trying to reach these almost impossible standards. Here are a few videos provided by YouTube with some eye opening statistics and that provide a look into how we develop these distorted perceptions of the ideal body image.

The last quote from the above video was that the current ideal level of thinness was achievable only by 5% of the female population. How can this thin ideal develop when only such a small percentage of people can even achieve it?

We can pretty much all agree that the photos at the end have reached a point of extreme but it does not change that these are the images that are being broadcasted to us and more importantly our children. We need to develop a perception of a healthy image not a thin ideal for our culture to move forward.

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